Vision & Mission
Nova Nautical – your one stop solution to quality yachting is proud to market highly reputable branded names like Rodman, Gottsegen, Cormorant, Comet Monohull & C-Catamaran. Our Principals meticulously deploys the best design, craftsmen, engineering, methods and materials available to ensure that each buyers’ expectations are met and beyond. Uncompromisingly meeting the highest attainable after sales standard for all of our products, regardless of size and price. We are committed to your total Ownership Experience backed by manufacture’s direct warranty.
诺亚游艇–为您提供优质游艇的一站式解决方案,我们自豪地向市场推销知名品牌,例如 Rodman, Gottsegen, Cormorant, Pioneer Boats, Comet Monohull & C-Catamaran。我们的负责人精心部署最佳的设计,工匠,工程,方法和材料,以确保满足和超越每个买家的期望。无论尺寸和价格如何,均能毫不妥协地满足我们所有产品的最高售后标准。我们致力于为您提供全面的拥有权体验,并以制造商的直接保修为后盾。